By Shawndell on Wednesday, 11 October 2017
Category: Web Tip Wednesday

Web Tip Wednesday - Information Tab

What is in a name?  Or, in this case, a tab?  A lot actually!  Today we are going to explore the Information tab. 

If you are just looking for a form, refer to last week's post A-Z Forms for the quickest way to access the forms you need.  But if you are looking for more in-depth information, you can find complete procedures under the Information tab.  

The categories you will find under this tab span public forms (which you can access by simply clicking on the tab itself) to in-depth procedures covering nearly every facet of the agency.  Here is where you get the step-by-step guidelines for the things you do on OADC cases, like how to order an out-of-court transcript or our Guidelines on Indigent Defense.

You will also find Agency documents (such as budget requests and performance plans), Commission information (including minutes of recent meetings), and the most up to date version of the OADC Services Handbook, your one-stop directory of the OADC staff and the services each staff member provides.  (See the blog post about the OADC Services Handbook for more information.)