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1300 N Broadway, Ste 330
Denver, CO 80203

The racial justice reckoning currently happening in our nation highlights the deep-rooted historic and institutional racism that is and has always been present at our country’s core, and the need to renew and strengthen our efforts to combat it and strive toward racial justice. OADC is proud to stand in solidarity and support all communities and individuals impacted by ongoing historic and systemic racism.

We have attempted to provide as much information as possible, but if you have a link or other information to add, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  The information presented in these links is subject to change and the veracity of these links is not guaranteed by the OADC.

 Note: these resources are provided for reference and are not implicitly endorsed by the OADC by inclusion in this list.




26 June 2024
The Federal Public Defender for the Districts of Colorado and Wyoming seeks an experienced trial att...
07 May 2024
OADC Seeking Greater Colorado and Inclusivity Social Work Fellows We are excited to announce that Th...

A-Z Form Listing

Upcoming Events

14 Aug 2024;
12:00PM - 04:00PM
2024 Roadshow - Boulder
22 Aug 2024;
12:00PM - 04:00PM
2024 Roadshow - Ft. Collins
27 Aug 2024;
12:00PM - 01:00PM
I Have Been 35(c)ed; Now What?
11 Sep 2024;
12:00PM - 04:00PM
2024 Roadshow - Pueblo
12 Sep 2024;
12:00PM - 04:00PM
2024 Roadshow - Colorado Springs